' The Winery at Willow Creek - Find Our Wines

Changes to operation hours effective Sept 1st 2023. New hours Thursday-Saturday 12pm-10pm.

Find Our Wines


The Winery at Willow Creek Wines are available at our tasting room and many other stores right here in Texas.

Thanks to you, the list can keep growing!

We have been self-distributing for about a year, and we have recently partnered with Bill Reed Distribution, so we need your help getting our wines in your neighborhood stores! 

If you have a store in mind that you would love to carry our wines, just visit with the store manager, or give us a call!!

 Each store carries different varieties of our wines, call ahead to make sure they have your favorite!



 Scroll down and type in your city to find your nearest location! 

Examples: "Abilene, Texas" or "Clyde, Texas"









The Winery at Willow Creek 

Our home base!

4353 South Treadaway

Abilene, TX 79602

(325) 690- WINE (9463)




 Find your nearest location below!! 

Type "City, State" for best accuracy!